I was having a sales conversation, discussing several ideas around managing tasks and attention.I happened to mention the background of the term multitasking and his...Continue reading
Do I Have a Context Problem? DBR 060
Anytime you talk about task management, you talk about actually doing things. It’s one thing to know you have something to do. It’s another thing...Continue reading
Smart Glasses, Book Notes, and a Memex – DBR059
I got this question from one of the participants in the current Attention Compass group training – “What should I be recording/capturing?” I had mentioned that...Continue reading
No 60-0-60 Thanksgiving – DBR 058
The 0 – 60 – 0 model of vacation and time off It’s pervasive in the Knowledge Work culture. I haven’t decided what to advise for...
Protecting Ourselves with a Model of Attention – DBR 057
Our attention is our primary productive asset. Therefore, we need to protect it. Today, we’ll talk about how to do that in the face of...Continue reading
Say “No” List – DBR 056
We’re looking at burnout, overwork, these kinds of things. They are a clear indication that we’re doing busy wrong and I don’t like that. I’m...Continue reading
Interruption, office hours, and tech-driven chatter – DBR 055
We had group class yesterday. It was our second of eight group meetings to implement attention compass. Nick is in the class, and he was talking...Continue reading